Awards & Guest Curatorships
- New York Village Art Center Prize, 1953
- National Academy of Design, Paton Prize, 1958 and 1967
- American Academy of Arts and Letters, Childe Hassam Fund Purchase Prize, 1960
- United States State Department, Exchange Grant, 1961
- National Audubon Artist Society, Grumbacher Award, 1964
- Watercolor Society Prize, Grand Prize and Gold Medal, 1967, Centennial Exhibition
- Audubon Artists Annual Prize, 1968
- American Federation of Arts, Medal of Honor, 1968
- Emily Lowe Award, 1970
- High Winds Award, 1973
- Audubon Artists Purchase Prize
- Ranger Fund, Samuel F. B. Morse Medal
- Palmer Memorial Prize
Guest Curatorships
- Six Photographers
- Western Electric, 1981
- Dimensions 81
- Edges Group, Inc., Bankers Trust, New York City, 1981
- 35 Under 35
- New York Urban League, 1980
- Corner Gallery
- Brooklyn Museum, 1978-1980